Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Rookwood & Eden Bann Weir Update

Melanie Findlay will be speaking at two AgForce Events on Thursday 23 June.

  1. Duaringa Golf Club at 10am
  2. Alton Downs Hall at 3pm

Other speakers include Geraldine Squires from the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure Project Team and Ralph Woolley from the Gladstone Area Water Board.

RSVP to Sharon Howard by email to howards@agforceqld.org.au

Monday, 30 May 2016

Mining Lease Application Notices as at 26 May 2016

Each week, our Landowner Lawyer shares the Queensland Government Mining Lease Application Notices.

Details of current mining lease applications: Mining Notices as at 26 May 2016.

According to Queensland law, anyone can object to a mining lease application or current environmental authority application for a mining lease. The objection period is a minimum of 20 business days. Make sure your objection is lodged by 4.30 pm on the last day of objections.

If you believe you are affected by a mining lease application or if you would like further information, please contact our Energy, Environment & Agribusiness team on 07 4927 6333 or at enquire@reesjones.com.au.

Rookwood Weir Funding

Rookwood Weir Funding - more questions than answers

Whilst anything that supports Agriculture is welcomed by Central Queensland locals, the Rookwood Weir $130M funding announcement may have came as a surprise to those that will be directly impacted by the effects of the infrastructure.

Late last year meetings with Landholders affected by the Weir as well as Eden Bann were held across CQ. Whilst most landholders were happy with the possible opportunities the Weirs could create two very important issues were debated and are still being debated now.

Firstly, landholders directly affected by the Weir by possibly inundation easements were quite surprised at the lack of notice and consultation in regard to the EIS process.

Agforce invited landholders to attending meetings in August last year at Alton Downs and Duaringa to discuss and find out more information about the Weir Projects. At these meetings, some Landowners commented that they were only alerted to the EIS process and the possible impacts to their properties by their local Agforce representative. GHD EIS Consultant, Geraldine Squires, at the meeting for Eden Bann advised that Landholders had been written to, although many at that meeting advised her that they had not received notices and that further they had not heard from any Weir representatives for some years. The audience at both the meetings held at both Alton Downs and Duaringa last year made it very clear that more consultation about the project was necessary. The words “Inundation” and “Resumption” are not nice words to hear and the key to keeping landholders positive in regard to these projects is more consultation.

Secondly, landholders have queried on more than one occasion how much water will cost once the infrastructure is built. A real problem for Landholders is the affordability of water allocations, electricity and irrigation equipment. Members of the Eden Bann meeting in Alton Downs expressed their concerns that once the price of water is fixed and advertised, it may then increase and be unaffordable. The same query was asked of the political hosts of the public consultation meeting held on 28 October 2015 . That query was never answered.

Funding for Agriculture is always welcomed in CQ, but more information and guidance for Landholders is required. If you have any queries about the EIS process, the process of land resumptions or require advice in regard to these projects please do not hesitate to contact Melanie Findlay of the Energy, Environment and Agribusiness Team at Rees R & Sydney Jones.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Theodore Bowls Club Vegetation and Land Clearing Information Session

Theodore Bowls Club Vegetation Information Session

Theodore Bowls Club Information Session

Energy, Environment & Agribusiness Partner Melanie Findlay will be at an AgForce hosted event this Friday 3 June from 10am at the Theodore Bowls Club, Theodore.

In conjunction with Ecosure, Melanie will be conducting an information session to inform graziers and landowners of the current vegetation and land clearing laws, the impacts of the SLATS data, what to do if you have illegally cleared and your property is currently under investigation and how to apply for a retrospective clearing permit (additional information is below).

There is also an opportunity to have a topic of your choosing included in this session when you RSVP.

What else would you like information on?
  • Environmental/vegetation offsets
  • Work place health and safety
  • Wills and succession planning
  • Biosecurity/weed management plans
  • Vegetation law/protected plants (trigger mapping)
  • Carbon farming and carbon projects

Rees R & Sydney Jones will be providing a BBQ lunch after the session.

RSVP ESSENTIAL to Emma Kime on 07 4927 6333 or emmak@reesjones.com.au

Vegetation and Land Clearing Release of Qld Government Data

Earlier this year, the Queensland Government publicly released their Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) data for the 2012 – 2014 period.

The purpose of the Statewide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) is to monitor Queensland's forests and woodlands to assess vegetation extent and clearing activities.

In conjunction with Ecosure Pty Ltd, Rees R & Sydney Jones Solicitors has conducted inquires and identified areas in Queensland where vegetation and land clearing has occurred.

We are aware that the Department of Natural Resources and Mines on behalf of the Queensland Government will now be in the process of investigating all properties located on the SLATS 2012 – 2014 maps to determine whether vegetation and land clearing was authorised or illegal.

In particular with reference to the SLATS 2012 – 2014 maps, we note that:-
  • Properties covered in darker red and showing higher levels of clearing (500 + hectares) will be the listed for priority investigation by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines; and,
  • Properties covered yellow and orange with less levels of clearing will be subject to investigations by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in due course.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Queensland Government Restores Landowner & Community Rights on Mining!

Landowner & Community Rights Restored

On Tuesday 24 May 2016, the Queensland Government restored balance between the rights of farmers, miners, and the community by passing legislation that protects farm infrastructure and restores community objection rights.

The Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill restores the rights of landowners and community members to object to proposed mining projects and protect key agricultural infrastructure.


This Bill provides Landowners with
"a minimum 50 metre protection zone around key agricultural infrastructure such as principal stockyards, bores and artesian wells, dams and artificial water storages connected to a water supply; 
the right to prevent any mining lease being granted over restricted land without the consent of the owner; and, the security of knowing ministers cannot extinguish restricted status for their land – a power a minister would have had under the LNP’s proposed laws."1

Community Members

This Bill provides Community Members at large with the opportunity
"to have their say on mining lease and environmental authority applications for mining projects to be advised of any proposed mining projects through ads in newspapers."2
The above changes are set to come into affect from 27 September 2016.

View the Queensland Government Statement regarding the passing of this Bill.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss this Bill further, please do not hesitate to contact Rees R & Sydney Jones Energy, Environment & Agribusiness Partner, Melanie Findlay on (07) 4927 6333.

[1] Queensland Government, 'Govt restores farmer & community rights on mining' (24 May 2016) <http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2016/5/24/govt-restores-farmer--community-rights-on-mining>.
[2] Ibid.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Information Session - Belmont Station Rockhampton

Energy, Environment & Agribusiness Partner Melanie Findlay will be at an AgForce hosted event at Belmont Station Rockhampton this Thurday 26 May from 10am.

Melanie will be conducting an information session on Vegetation and Land Clearing in conjunction with Ecosure Pty Ltd. Rees R & Sydney Jones will be providing a BBQ lunch after the session. 

There is also an opportunity to have a topic of your choosing included in this session, just let Emma know when you RSVP on (07) 4927 6333 or emmak@reesjones.com.au

Clermont Show

Energy, Environment & Agribusiness Partner, Melanie Findlay and Wills & Estates Associate, Lauren Farrelly are at the Clermont Show today and tomorrow.

You can find Mel and Lauren at the Rees R & Sydney Jones stand which is located in the Pavilion with the boarding school displays, near the chickens. Don't forget to pop in and say hello! 

Rees R & Sydney Jones are proud sponsors of the Clermont Show.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Mining Lease Application Notices as at 16 May 2016

Each week, our Landowner Lawyer shares the Queensland Government Mining Lease Application Notices.

Details of current mining lease applications: Mining Notices as at 16 May 2016.

According to Queensland law, anyone can object to a mining lease application or current environmental authority application for a mining lease. The objection period is a minimum of 20 business days. Make sure your objection is lodged by 4.30 pm on the last day of objections.

If you believe you are affected by a mining lease application or if you would like further information, please contact our Energy, Environment & Agribusiness team on 07 4927 6333 or at enquire@reesjones.com.au.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Mining Lease Application Notices as at 6 May 2016

Each week, our Landowner Lawyer shares the Queensland Government Mining Lease Application Notices.

Details of current mining lease applications: Mining Notices as at 6 May 2016.

According to Queensland law, anyone can object to a mining lease application or current environmental authority application for a mining lease. The objection period is a minimum of 20 business days. Make sure your objection is lodged by 4.30 pm on the last day of objections.

If you believe you are affected by a mining lease application or if you would like further information, please contact our Energy, Environment & Agribusiness team on 07 4927 6333 or at enquire@reesjones.com.au.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Mining Lease Application Notices as at 29 April 2016

Each week, our Landowner Lawyer shares the Queensland Government Mining Lease Application Notices.

Details of current mining lease applications: Mining Noticesas at 29 April 2016.

According to Queensland law, anyone can object to a mining lease application or current environmental authority application for a mining lease. The objection period is a minimum of 20 business days. Make sure your objection is lodged by 4.30 pm on the last day of objections.

If you believe you are affected by a mining lease application or if you would like further information, please contact our Energy, Environment & Agribusiness team on 07 4927 6333 or at enquire@reesjones.com.au.