What are your thoughts? What is your experience of the Unconventional Gas Industry?
In November 2015, the Senate established a Select Committee on Unconventional Gas Mining. The Committee is responsible for conducting a review and questioning “the adequacy of Australia’s legislative, regulatory and policy framework with respect to unconventional gas mining including coal seam gas (CSG) and shale gas mining”.
The Committee is calling for landholders, community members and interested parties to make a submission by 14 March 2016. The Committee will then prepare and provide a final report to the Senate on or before 30 June 2016.
Your thoughts and what to submit
Submissions may be made with respect (but not limited) to the following:-
- the social, health, environmental, agricultural and economic impacts of unconventional gas mining;
- the current laws and regulatory frameworks and whether they protect your water resources and rights as a Landholder;
- compensation and insurance agreements that you have with gas companies;
- the current taxation agreements in relation to unconventional gas mining; and,
- the establishment of a national approach to the conduct of unconventional gas mining.
Making a Submission
If you plan to make a submission, we encourage you to include the following on your submission:-
- Your contact details and whether you would like your submission to remain confidential or be made publicly available;
- Who you are, what your connection to the unconventional gas mining is and why you are making a submission; and,
- Your thoughts and any information that you have with reference to the above points and the Terms of Reference.
To access the Terms of Reference, to gain additional information on the Senate Inquiry and Select Committee on Unconventional Gas Mining or to lodge your submission, please see:-http://www.aph.gov.au/Home/Parliamentary%20Business/Committees/Senate/Gasmining/Gasmining.
The Mining, Rural and Gas Team at Rees R & Sydney Jones are preparing a submission to the Select Committee on Unconventional Gas Mining. If you would like help in making your submission, we would be happy to assist.
Please call Mining and Gas lawyer Melanie Findlay or one of our other Mining and Gas Lawyers at Rees R & Sydney Jones.
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