Friday, 1 August 2014


It is a longstanding general rule in property law which says that if you are going to give away a right or interest in your Land, then this should be in writing. Unfortunately though, as new laws have been created to deal with Land Access for coal seam gas (CSG) and mining companies, this general and longstanding rule has been whittled away.

What is an Access Agreement?

Sometimes gas companies need access across blocks of land to get to the blocks of land under which the coal seam gas (CSG) might be found. The gas companies are required under the Petroleum and Gas legislation to enter into "Access Agreements" with landowners and occupiers of land. The right to come across the land is called an "Access Right" and it can include the right to construct roads or tracks across your Land to allow them to get to the area that they want to explore.

How can I give away access rights without an agreement in writing?

The Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act is currently drafted in such a way that Access Agreements or Access Rights can be given away orally.

How are Access Agreements different to Conduct and Compensation Agreements?

These Access Agreements are very different. There isn't even a need to compensate the Landowners or occupiers under an Access Agreements. Conduct and Compensation Agreements have to be in writing. If an oral agreement is made in regard to an Access Arrangement for say a road across the land, then this could be enough to allow a company to access and build the road on your Land. There is no requirement for compensation to be paid, but it can be negotiated.

If a Seller of Land enters into an oral agreement, and I buy the place, am I bound by this?

Yes. The law states that these agreements are binding on future owners of the Land. The fact that someone's word could bind up a property well into the future is obviously a very large problem and the law should be changed.

Surely the new laws about mining and gas will fix this won't they?

No. The laws in regard to Access Land are changing; however when the Mining and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 was presented to Parliament on 5 June 2014, the problem with oral Access Agreements had not been addressed. It seems silly that a company might be allowed to build a large road on someone’s land without giving someone compensation, and without entering into a written agreement.

Every situation is different and because some things you even say now could be binding on you, you really should seek legal advice as soon as you are approached by a mining or gas company for access to your Land. It is also very important to look at whether or not your land is inside or outside the exploration area or tenement of a company to know what type of agreement you should be negotiating.

If you would like further information or have any questions please give Melanie Oliver, Amy Gudmann or Justin Houlihan a call on (07) 4927 6333

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